Tips for Securing Your First Co-op | Co-op Panel Recap (Part 1)

The ARBUS Society kicked off the Winter 2022 term with a co-op panel on January 23rd, which featured current society members, their experiences, and their tips on how to make the best of your application process. Riyah, Shelina, Oyin, Jia, Irina, and Shweta have worked in various companies such as ApplyBoard, BMO, RBC, CIBC, Ministry of Ontario, Digital Main Street and much more.

Below is a summary of what they did to succeed and what you should know when it’s your turn to apply. Part 1 of the recap focuses on the application process, and Part 2 is all about the interview and preparation process plus co-op experiences.

Application Process & WaterlooWorks

The application process can be quite intimidating given the number of other students applying for the same jobs, but there’s also a sense of excitement because you finally get to have some real-life work experience. Fortunately, the University of Waterloo makes it a bit easier to tackle your applications.

The PD (Professional Development) course contains resume critiques, mock interviews, and so much more activities that help you prepare for interviews. Although the school tries its best to offer a wide variety of opportunities for students, it is encouraged that you apply outside of Waterloo Works and explore websites like Indeed, Glassdoor, and LinkedIn.

Tips for Co-op Applicants

Put in the effort

Customize resumes and cover letters to fit the criteria of different jobs, practice interview questions, and build upon your skills – this can be done through courses, personal projects or LinkedIn Learning. Furthermore, make sure you apply to as many postings as you can. It may seem like a lot, but being a first-time applicant, you want to make sure that you give yourself as many options as possible. It’s okay if you don’t have every skill listed!  School exposes you to many soft skills, so showcase what you do have and let your personality and initiative show during the interview.

Be flexible

There might be a particular industry that you would like to gain experience in, but there are so many possibilities out there! The job search is hard enough and you don’t want to make it harder for yourself by closing so many options. Keep in mind that with multiple co-op terms, there are many chances to try new things.

Take care of yourself

It’s easy to get wrapped up in constantly applying and interviewing, but you’re not your best self when you’re tired. It’s okay to take breaks in between to ensure that you are still productive.

Campus Resources

The University of Waterloo provides students with an ample amount of resources, many of which are targeted towards co-op programs. Attending events hosted by school clubs like the ARBUS Society is also an amazing way to gain some insight into co-op applications!

Potential Jobs for ARBUS Students

The ARBUS program gives you an advantage because you acquire skills from your respective arts program and from general business courses as well. So, you can adapt to different types of co-ops, such as HR, Business Development, Marketing, Communications, and much more. It all lies with you well you can market yourself.


How to Prepare for Co-op Interviews | Co-op Panel Recap (Part 2)


How Employable Are You?