Securing Co-ops from an ARBUS Perspective
On October 19th, 2022, the ARBUS Society hosted its first in person event since 2020, which was an in-depth seminar focused on the best ways to secure internships as a student. This event featured current students of the ARBUS Society, all of whom have had impressive co-op experiences at places like TD, Deloitte, Spatial, Hello Fresh, and more, and provided the attendees with vast amounts of information that will prove useful when they begin their own application processes.
Below is a summary of some advice our panelists shared. As always, if you would like further clarification regarding any answers you see or have questions that are not shown below, you can contact us via email at, or on Instagram @arbussociety. We are always happy to help other students succeed!
Meet our panelists Michelle, Irina, Jenny, and Prianka
Q1: How was your experience applying for co-op? Are there any tips to keep in mind when first applying?
My first time applying was more difficult than I had initially anticipated, as I was a bit overwhelmed by the competitive nature of the whole process. Staying positive really helped me get through it. I remember being upset during my first application because I didn’t get offers until my third cycle, but during my second application, I got offers from companies like TD, BDO and more.
It is also important to apply to as many jobs as you can, so that you can get experience with interviews. Remember that your first application process is mainly about gaining some sort of experience. However, as your co-op terms progress, you can become more selective with the types of jobs you apply to.
Q2: How many jobs should I apply to? What if I don’t have all the skills the posting is asking for?
You can apply to 50 jobs per cycle. You do not need to have all the skills needed in a job posting. Many employers are looking for students who are enthusiastic and are willing to learn what is needed to succeed in a role.
Q3: Are there any campus resources to help me when applying for co-op from home? Should I apply outside of WaterlooWorks?
There are lots of campus resources available such as resume critiques or mock interviews that you can schedule through WaterlooWorks and some PD courses. Some other resources include:
CECA (Resume critiques, mock interviews)
Networking events/info sessions (Great chance to meet recruiters)
Clubs and Societies (e.g., ARBUS Society)
I would also recommend applying outside of WaterlooWorks as there are many opportunities out there and you do not want to limit yourself to one source. You could do this by applying directly on company websites, LinkedIn, Indeed, and more!
Q4: What is the best way to showcase a portfolio for design co-op?
You can showcase your portfolio using Figma, your own website, or on social media. Doing so online is much more efficient than having a physical portfolio due to the fact that many job application processes take place online.
Q5: How should I prepare my answers in advance to tackle situational interview questions?
There are many ways to do so, but one way which works great for me is the STAR method, which is outlined below:
Situation: Give a brief overview of the background/context for the interviewer to understand what was happening
Task: Give some insight into what the goal or task was from your manager/supervisor/co-worker
Action: Describe what you did – this is your chance to highlight skills you had that came in handy such as softwares used, managing a conflict, etc.
Result: Showcase the impact your action had on the company. It is good to use metrics here so they can get a quantitative sense of the result (e.g., increased social media engagement by 12%)
Q6: Do you have any tips for how to stand out in an interview? What type of questions should I ask the interviewer at the end of my interview?
Try to avoid repeating what is stated on your resume. Think of some interesting, worthwhile facts about you that expand on your resume. Also, while interview prep is important, try now to sound too robotic. Speak naturally, appear relaxed, be polite and remain confident in your abilities.
Additionally, you want to ensure that you sound enthusiastic about the job. Employers won’t want to hire someone who doesn’t seem excited about joining their team. Lastly, you should do some research into the company and role so that you have some questions to ask at the end of the interview. This could include questions about the company’s culture, team breakdown, recruitment timelines and more.
Q7: What questions do interviewers frequently ask?
Employers will almost always ask you to tell them a bit about yourself. Your answer should reflect your work experience and be relevant to the job posting. They will most likely also ask why you applied for a certain position. In this scenario, it is important to have done some research beforehand. Your answer could reflect your interest in the role itself, specific learning opportunities, etc.
Lastly, employers may ask why you want to work for their company. Try to ensure that your answer to this is unique rather than general. You can look into their origins or values for inspiration.
Company logos: Skillify, SnapPea Design, Spatial, Deloitte, EY, Government of Canada, TD, BMO, Hello Fresh
Q8: How do I calm my nerves before interviews?
It's always good to practice questions beforehand so you’re not scrambling to find an answer on the spot. Prior to the interview, don’t stress yourself about the job. Instead, do something to calm your nerves such as talking to a friend or listening to music. Overall, stay positive and just go into it feeling confident.
Q9: What was remote work like as a co-op student? What is the experience like on-boarding and working completely from home?
The experience varies depending on your role and company, but it is typically similar to an in person job in terms of the work you do. However, it does get tiring staring at a screen so much as opposed to speaking to coworkers offline.
Q10: What was it like working an 8-month co-op at one company?
I spent 8 months working in growth marketing at Hello Fresh. I thought it was great because you get to spend longer periods of time working on projects, gain more skills, make more connections, and have a longer opportunity to showcase your potential to your employer. School schedules are versatile so don’t be afraid to switch your co-op terms around depending on what suits you best.
Q11: How can I break into tech and marketing roles?
Marketing and tech jobs are best found externally, especially for students in the ARBUS program. You should perform research regarding specific roles you are interested in and try to pick up some new skills. Employers are open to hiring students to show willingness to learn so don’t be afraid to apply.
Q12: How can I stay connected with my managers and co-workers after a work term? What are some ways I can grow my personal brand and professional skills?
Irina & Prianka:
One of the easiest ways to do this is to connect with them on LinkedIn. This way, you can continue to interact with them by liking or commenting on their posts or vice versa. You should also connect with recruiters and try to book coffee chats with them. It is important that you have a set goal and make good use of your time with them. Lastly, you should remain active on LinkedIn by occasionally updating your job status, accomplishments, and/or reaching out when you are searching for job opportunities.
Following these tips should build your confidence and help ease your co-op application processes. Please contact us if you have further questions and good luck on your job search!